This review was originally published on DyingScene
Light Years
are a pop punk group from Kent, Ohio. They play fast, short songs about
self-doubt, not wanting to fade away, and girls (or rather, a lack
thereof). Like many modern pop punk bands these days, they take heavy
influence from blink-182, The Get Up Kids, and Lifetime. Unlike many
modern pop punk bands, Light Years doesn’t have a gimmick, like dropping
breakdowns left and right or coming up with a slogan that’s barely
applicable to their music. In many ways, it creates an air of sincerity
around their music that not every band can claim that they have.
The band’s newest EP, Just Between Us, takes a couple of steps up
from 2011’s This Will Come Back to Haunt Me. The band’s vocals have
improved, sounding more comfortable and at home than before. They still
take a dual approach similar to Man Overboard, but rougher sounding and
less nasally. The production is better than the previous EP, giving the
songs a clearer and crisper sound, allowing for a more enjoyable
listening experience. Musically the band sounds stronger than most
others in the scene, opting for an early Saves the Day route rather than
the exceptionally poppy sounds that so many like to imitate. Light
Years is still very melodic and bouncy- but whereas some blur the lines
between pop and punk, Light Years is undeniably a pop punk group.
In general, pop punk is a genre that limits itself in terms of
lyrical exploration. Sometimes bands will write songs that defy the
genre’s limits, but most of the time they stick to three chord songs
(occasionally four) about girls or being a loser that can’t get girls.
However just because it’s been done before doesn’t mean that it can’t
still sound good or be fun to sing along with. That’s where Light Years
shines, writing songs with catchy lyrics that it’s possible to be
singing along with the chorus during the first listen. While the lyrics
could be a little more self aware of what they’re saying (especially in
Liar…“I’m a liar/I twist my words because the truth hurts/I’m growing
tired/of always chasing after you”. It’s almost as if they don’t realize
she’s probably running away because of all the lying), at the same time
they feel as if they were primarily written to be shouted along in
large groups of people, which means these songs beg to be heard live.
Lyrical missteps aside, Just Between Us shows just how much Light
Years has progressed in the short time in between their first and second
releases. While it’s far from being perfect, Just Between Us is a sign
that Light Years only has room for improvement. If they continue this
growth streak between releases, it won’t be long before Light Years
releases their own equivalent to the Upsides.
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